Prevent costly damage and delays with real-time insights into your building’s moisture levels.
Tector’s non-invasive solution ensures your project stays on track and built to last.
Accurate, automated monitoring for a continuous view on what’s happening on your site and in your buildings.
You can set Tector and forget about it until you get an alert. All data is rigorously analysed based on sensor location, weather data, and more before sending you an alert.
Understand what’s happening in your buildings at all times thanks to intuitive data overviews and reports. Easily determine when and where issues happened to apply the appropriate cost-effective fix.
Præcis, automatiseret overvågning for et kontinuerligt overblik over, hvad der sker på dit sted og i dine bygninger.
Du kan indstille Tector og glemme det, indtil du modtager en alarm. Alle data er nøje baseret på sensorplacering, vejrdata og mere, før du modtager en alarm.
Forstå hvad der sker i din bygning på alle tidspunkter takket være intuitive dataoversigter og rapporter. Bestem nemt hvornår og hvor problemerne opstod for at anvende den passende omkostningseffektive løsning.